Saturday, February 4, 2012

A wonder of wonders!!

To start this blog off I'm going to write a bit about this I'll call it an amazing passion..

      It kinda started back in middle school 8th grade world history.
Talking about Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WW2, I never thought much about this country back then. It was more or less a country in Asia that's all I ever knew about her. Then that day came in world history talking about the bombings. I saw images in the book (not of the bombing but of the people) The kimono's they were wearing. Beautifully decorated, the people looked amazing and so exotic behind one of the girls stood a temple, whether it was Buddhist or Shinto I don't know.
      So started my path down this amazing journey of this country and her people. From the Kimono's and the temple I started to look deeper into this place. My curiosity couldn't be sated from books to the internet I poured over these things, that talked about Japan's people and the culture and language. My eye's grew wider as I learned, I wanted to know more and more. When I was 18 I started to listen to J-Rock this amazing music better then any western music to my ears, it was like ambrosia to my ears. The first group ever I listened to was  The GazettE amazing music and the style they have stunned me. Japan was in a sense westernized but still stood it's ground on her beliefs and customs and the people still take their traditions and way of living seriously.
     Now why couldn't America be like this? I went to school and it was a typical American school we learned what Americans (and in my case Uthans) should learn. History of the country, and of the state in which we lived in. It was boring for me to learn what I did, though I must be honest it has made me into whom I am today. Though no thanks to my English teacher my, English or grammar is a bit lacking, plus sentence structure. (I'm getting off subject here sorry.) Any ways I was pretty much an odd one out in my school I never mentioned what I liked. I never said that I was looking into Japan and all that she is, I tried to fit in (that didn't work well I'll go over that some other time.) I had my friends of course some closer then others. Soon I found myself thrusted from my childhood into adult hood and into college.
      I went to college at Salt Lake Community College I took Japanese in hopes to gain the language and the understanding I so deeply wanted. I remember one thing my sensei  told us in class and that is this.."The Japanese people are very vertical as the American people are horizontal." I sat in my seat pondering what she said. I finally and slowly understood it as the days passed and as I learned in the class. This is what I think she means... The Japanese people stand on tradition they bow in respect to well almost anything to just a "Thank You" or even a "Good Morning!" . As we Americans do not even do this! We simply say "Good Morning" Without respect to it or other wise. I also slowly found out that the Japanese are very respectful people, even with friend's they use the word "san" take for instances I would be "Bryn-san" unless I other wise tell them.
       There is so much to Japan, from the history, to the culture, and the language to even the religion! I am now 27 and I have been looking into Japan since I was in 8th grade. You might think "Bryn, you must know a lot about Japan by now!" In all actuality I barely have even scratched the surface! My hunger to find out about every thing I can is seriously and truly unquenchable! Some day I truly and seriously hope I find my way to this amazing country, so I can put myself into everything that she is. To learn the language like the Japanese and to learn about the culture, the history, and the people.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy learning about you. I agree, Utah history is boring. I can't wait to see what you come up with next :)
