Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rocker or..J-Rocker!?!

      Now I explained in my last post about my differ in music then from my friends here in America I need to explain exactly why I prefer J-Rock to the normal rock here in America...

         So this is the reasoning why, first of all the music doesn't really appeal to me at the time "emo" was the thing. I was already depressed at the time being SEVERELY over weight plus losing an animal close to me. I didn't need any more of this loud "death" to everything kind of music. I can't remember exactly how I stumbled upon The GazettE but I did and I was very very thankful that I did. Now I didn't understand much Japanese at this point in time. It was the rhythm the beat what ever you may call it that enticed me to listen to stay and smile.
       That was the starting of my dedication to the J-rock scene, from there I stepped into another brand of music Oshare Kei which to those who don't know is a lighter music full of smiles and laughter.Some of these groups I listened to are An Cafe, Ayabie, CELLT, Charlotte, SuG,  last but not least (there is a lot) Mix speakers Inc.
Now my american friends are probably all confused by this, it is rather obvious that I am not cut from the same cloth as most. In high school it made me feel a bit rejected I fit into none of the groups that were at my school or any that a hung around with. I know my true friends wouldn't care what I liked or listen to or my beliefs that is what a friend is.
        Back to the J-rock scene, it wasn't just the music that made me interested it was also the clothes they ware the style of make up and hair. My world shifted as I came to like this music, more and more I looked into what groups are out there. I know now of, well I'll say a lot of groups that range from the newest Lc5 that has the amazing singer Miku in it to the J-rock group Sadie. There is a lot in between those groups that range from what americans like to call head banger music to the softer and happy Oshare Kei.
         Recently before winter hit I tried to listen to western rock again from one of my favorite radio stations back in Utah. It didn't work out so well I couldn't stand the music for long it was no longer something I wished to listen to. The music once again was about either getting high or finding a girl to..well get in better with. I realize there are a lot of genre's out in the western world when it comes to music. Most I do not like and I'd rather not listen to. I will say I grew up with classical music (I doubt I could ever hate that) I also grew up listening to John Denver and Johnny Cash so those I will not hesitate to listen to other then that my dear American friends I am sorry but I can't with stand the other types...
           Now when it comes to my family, well I do believe I am the only one that enjoys this type of music as well as love the Japanese culture, country, language, and her people. J-Rock is now one of her many features I do treasure. I think without this music I would be long since gone from this world to be honestly truthful. Well now let's take a step towards my all time favorite brand of music from Japan, it would have to be Oshare kei if we are talking the modern sense. It's happy upbeat and it's point is to make you enjoy and smile with the music. To make your heart lighter if you are in a horrible mood and to just laugh and have the ultimate fun you can possibly have. The people in which make this music them selves are up beat bright people, their outfits they wear say a lot about the music that in itself makes you smile.
            I have to thank all the Japanese musicians out there for doing an amazing job with their work, they are a different breed then western musicians that is for sure. Their dedication to their music and their style is unbelievable! So if they happen to read this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart don't stop making your amazing music. Thank you for changing my life, and also shifting how fashion is seen whether it's from a western eyes (like me) or someone from Japan. Thank you again..

                                                          SuG-Oshare Kei group

                                                           The GazettE-J-Rock group

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